34 vehicles for sale in Georgia
Hyundai H200
GEL 9,000
N/A (Gas)
๐Caucasus Auto Import๐ ๐2019 ALFA ROMEO STELVIO๐ ๐tel:595-53-80-03 แแแแ แแ ๐แซแ แแแแก แแแชแฃแแแแ: 2.0 ๐แแแขแแแแแแแ แแแงแแคแแแ แแแแ แแแแก แแแขแ แแฃแฅแชแแแแแ, แแ แแก แแฅแแฅแแแ แแแแแก แกแขแแขแฃแกแแ แแ แแแฃแแแแแก แกแแแแแฆแแแแก. ๐แแแ แแแแ: 43,596 mile ๐แแแแแแแแแแ แแแแแแแแฃแแแ: Front End ๐แแแขแแแแแแแ แแฃแฅแชแแแแแ แแแแฎแแแแแแ 9,000-10,000$ แแแฏแแแแ. ๐แแแขแแแฃแ แ แแแคแแ แแแชแแแกแแแแก แแแแแแแแจแแ แแแ แแแแแ แแ. ๐แแแขแแแแแแแแก แขแ แแแกแแแ แขแแ แแแแก แแฎแแแแก แแแแแแกแแแก แแแขแ แแแแแ แขแ. ๐แฉแแแ แฉแแแแแแงแแแแ แกแแกแฃแ แแแแ แแแขแแแแแแแแก แแแแ แแแแก แแแแ แแแแ แกแแฃแแแแแกแ แคแแกแแ. ๐tel:595-53-80-03 แแแแ แแ.
Posted 7 months ago
Scania R420
900,000 km
8 L (Diesel)
Call for details 551530440
Posted about 3 years ago
2016 Mitsubishi L400
14,364 km
N/A (Diesel)
"Changan Q20" truck. 2016model. I bought it at Tbilisi "LADA Center" Twin cab can fit 5 people diesel Strong and low mileage 8,000$ call: +995599169338 john "Changan Q20" แกแแขแแแ แแ. 2016 แฌแแแก แแแแแแ. แแแงแแแ แแแแแแกแแก "LADA Center" - แจแ แขแงแฃแแแแแก แแแแแแแจแ 5 แแแแแแแแ แแขแแแก แแแแแแ แซแแแแ แ แแ แแแแแแ แแแ แแแแ 8000 $ แแแ แแแแ: +995599169338 แฏแแ
Posted about 3 years ago
2016 Toyota DA
Import - Dubai
GEL 55,839
N/A (Petrol)
CODE-39974 In this time of Covid-19 crisis, SK Motors is committed to provide you complete services. You can now place your order online, and we will ship your car to your destination anywhere in the world. How you place online order: 1. Select the car, and send us your query. 2. We will send you detailed pictures, videos of the car, and show you the car on online video call conference. 3. Once we agree on a certain price, we will send you a proforma invoice for the banking transaction. 4. After you pay the car price, we arrange your shipment, and load your car towards your destination. 5. Post loading your car, we send you the BL copy confirmation. 6. Once you receive your car, you confirm us, and we are done with the process. We are taking these steps to ensure that our clients do not have to Travel. And please note, SK Motors is one of the leading car exporters in UAE, and we put a high emphasize on our customer satisfaction. We are always here, to help you, and guide you towards
Posted about 4 years ago
1992 Toyota Dyna
Import - Dubai
N/A (Petrol)
CODE-548 In this time of Covid-19 crisis, SK Motors is committed to provide you complete services. You can now place your order online, and we will ship your car to your destination anywhere in the world. How you place online order: 1. Select the car, and send us your query. 2. We will send you detailed pictures, videos of the car, and show you the car on online video call conference. 3. Once we agree on a certain price, we will send you a proforma invoice for the banking transaction. 4. After you pay the car price, we arrange your shipment, and load your car towards your destination. 5. Post loading your car, we send you the BL copy confirmation. 6. Once you receive your car, you confirm us, and we are done with the process. We are taking these steps to ensure that our clients do not have to Travel. And please note, SK Motors is one of the leading car exporters in UAE, and we put a high emphasize on our customer satisfaction. We are always here, to help you, and guide you towards the
Posted about 4 years ago
2013 Toyota HiAce
Import - Dubai
GEL 25,259
N/A (Petrol)
TOYOTA RAV 4 - 2013 - AMERICAN SPECS - EXCELLENT CONDITION 97,000 MILES _______________________________ OPTIONS *AIR CONDITIONING * AUX AUDIO IN * POWER WINDOW * POWER LOCKS * REAR CAMERA AND MANY ________________________________________ CASH PURCHASE --------------------------- DOCUMENTS REQUIRED * EMIRATES ID * DRIVING LICENSE BANK FINANCE ------------------------ Employed: * Salary Certificate * 3 month bank statement with original stamp * Passport & Visa copies * Emirates ID copy โ Self Employed: * Trade License * Memorandum of Article * Passport copies of all partners * Passport and visa copies of applicant * Emirates ID * 3 month personal bank statement * 3 month company bank statement โ Companies: * Trade License * Memorandum of Article * Passport copies of all partners * 3 month company statement _____________________________________ DUBICARS Gulf Motors AL AWEER AUTO MARKET GULF MOTORS NO. 95 ___________________________________
Posted about 4 years ago
2000 Suzuki Carry
Import - Dubai
N/A (Petrol)
CODE-540 In this time of Covid-19 crisis, SK Motors is committed to provide you complete services. You can now place your order online, and we will ship your car to your destination anywhere in the world. How you place online order: 1. Select the car, and send us your query. 2. We will send you detailed pictures, videos of the car, and show you the car on online video call conference. 3. Once we agree on a certain price, we will send you a proforma invoice for the banking transaction. 4. After you pay the car price, we arrange your shipment, and load your car towards your destination. 5. Post loading your car, we send you the BL copy confirmation. 6. Once you receive your car, you confirm us, and we are done with the process. We are taking these steps to ensure that our clients do not have to Travel. And please note, SK Motors is one of the leading car exporters in UAE, and we put a high emphasize on our customer satisfaction. We are always here, to help you, and guide you towards the
Posted about 4 years ago
2020 Suzuki Carry
Import - Dubai
N/A (Petrol)
SK MOTORS PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: 1. Free pick up facility from the airport 2. Free pick and drop facility for showroom tour. 3. Hotel booking service at a lucrative location 4. Dubai visa arrangement 5. Provide assistance for car accessories 6. And much more that would add a lot of value to our customer care section. We have been awarded best UAE Re-Exporter of the year 2014. We have a specialized sales team that guides our clients throughout with quality & professional services. We believe in long term relationship with our clients, because SK Motors cares. A SK MOTORS FORNECE OS SEGUINTES SERVIรOS: 1. Recolha gratuita do aeroporto 2. Livre escolher e soltar instalaรงรฃo para tour showroom. 3. Serviรงo de reserva de hotel em um local lucrativo 4. Acordo de visto de Dubai 5. Fornecer assistรชncia para acessรณrios de carros 6. E muito mais que acrescentaria muito valor ao nosso atendimento ao cliente. Nรณs fomos premiados com o melhor re-exportador dos Emirados รrabes Unidos do
Posted about 4 years ago
2007 Suzuki Every
Import - Dubai
N/A (Petrol)
CODE-539 In this time of Covid-19 crisis, SK Motors is committed to provide you complete services. You can now place your order online, and we will ship your car to your destination anywhere in the world. How you place online order: 1. Select the car, and send us your query. 2. We will send you detailed pictures, videos of the car, and show you the car on online video call conference. 3. Once we agree on a certain price, we will send you a proforma invoice for the banking transaction. 4. After you pay the car price, we arrange your shipment, and load your car towards your destination. 5. Post loading your car, we send you the BL copy confirmation. 6. Once you receive your car, you confirm us, and we are done with the process. We are taking these steps to ensure that our clients do not have to Travel. And please note, SK Motors is one of the leading car exporters in UAE, and we put a high emphasize on our customer satisfaction. We are always here, to help you, and guide you towards the
Posted about 4 years ago
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2004 Toyota HiAce
Import - Dubai
GEL 36,208
N/A (Petrol)
GCC - TOYOTA RAV 4 - 2004 - EXCELLENT CONDITION 186,000 KM _________________________________________ CASH PURCHASE --------------------------- DOCUMENTS REQUIRED * EMIRATES ID * DRIVING LICENSE _____________________________________ AL AWEER AUTO MARKET GULF MOTORS NO. 95
Posted about 4 years ago
2015 Toyota HiAce
Import - Dubai
GEL 43,786
N/A (Petrol)
RAV4 2015 excellent condition
Posted about 4 years ago
2020 Toyota DA
Import - Dubai
N/A (Petrol)
In this time of Covid-19 crisis, SK Motors is committed to provide you complete services. You can now place your order online, and we will ship your car to your destination anywhere in the world. How you place online order: 1. Select the car, and send us your query. 2. We will send you detailed pictures, videos of the car, and show you the car on online video call conference. 3. Once we agree on a certain price, we will send you a proforma invoice for the banking transaction. 4. After you pay the car price, we arrange your shipment, and load your car towards your destination. 5. Post loading your car, we send you the BL copy confirmation. 6. Once you receive your car, you confirm us, and we are done with the process. We are taking these steps to ensure that our clients do not have to Travel. And please note, SK Motors is one of the leading car exporters in UAE, and we put a high emphasize on our customer satisfaction. We are always here, to help you, and guide you towards the best car
Posted about 4 years ago
2018 Toyota HiAce
Import - Dubai
GEL 58,100
N/A (Petrol)
Posted about 4 years ago
1998 Toyota Dyna
Import - Dubai
N/A (Petrol)
CODE-509 In this time of Covid-19 crisis, SK Motors is committed to provide you complete services. You can now place your order online, and we will ship your car to your destination anywhere in the world. How you place online order: 1. Select the car, and send us your query. 2. We will send you detailed pictures, videos of the car, and show you the car on online video call conference. 3. Once we agree on a certain price, we will send you a proforma invoice for the banking transaction. 4. After you pay the car price, we arrange your shipment, and load your car towards your destination. 5. Post loading your car, we send you the BL copy confirmation. 6. Once you receive your car, you confirm us, and we are done with the process. We are taking these steps to ensure that our clients do not have to Travel. And please note, SK Motors is one of the leading car exporters in UAE, and we put a high emphasize on our customer satisfaction. We are always here, to help you, and guide you towards the
Posted about 4 years ago
1991 Toyota Dyna
Import - Dubai
N/A (Petrol)
CODE-505 In this time of Covid-19 crisis, SK Motors is committed to provide you complete services. You can now place your order online, and we will ship your car to your destination anywhere in the world. How you place online order: 1. Select the car, and send us your query. 2. We will send you detailed pictures, videos of the car, and show you the car on online video call conference. 3. Once we agree on a certain price, we will send you a proforma invoice for the banking transaction. 4. After you pay the car price, we arrange your shipment, and load your car towards your destination. 5. Post loading your car, we send you the BL copy confirmation. 6. Once you receive your car, you confirm us, and we are done with the process. We are taking these steps to ensure that our clients do not have to Travel. And please note, SK Motors is one of the leading car exporters in UAE, and we put a high emphasize on our customer satisfaction. We are always here, to help you, and guide you towards the
Posted about 4 years ago
2020 Toyota HiAce
Import - Dubai
N/A (Petrol)
Al Noor Motors provides you with purchasing Tax Free Vehicles from United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Japan, Singapore, Australia, United Kingdom, Thailand and Germany. Al Noor Motors establish in 2001 has a close relationship with each of its customers, Government Organization, Non Profitable Organization (NGO), Corporate Clients and Embassy Across the world. Al Noor Motors is committed to cooperating with its customers through frequent communication and trust in order to facilitate the completion of a transaction and the settlement of any problem on either side. Thousands of vehicles are available for the customer to purchase online from Al Noor Motors inventory. We have a wide range of cars and you can be assured that you will find the best quality cars here at a good bargain. If you wish to visit any of our companies around globe to purchase directly, FOB or CIF rates can also be negotiated upon request. All the prices are negotiable and all inquiries are welcome. SHIPMENT We p
Posted about 4 years ago
2017 Toyota HiAce
Import - Dubai
GEL 41,681
N/A (Petrol)
DESCRIPTION LOT#260 MINT CONDITION LIKE BRAND NEW ENGINE GEAR AND CHASSIS GUARANTEE BLUETOOTH VOLUME CONTROL DVD ENGINE 2.5 ALLOY RIMS CAN BE EXPORTED LOTE # 319 MINT CONDIรรO COMO NOVO ENGRENAGEM DO MOTOR E GARANTIA DO CHASSI BLUETOOTH CONTROLE DE VOLUME DVD MOTOR 2.5 jantes 17 " PODE SER EXPORTADO somos os maiores exportadores de veรญculos novos e usados โโpara angola, lidamos com todos os tipos de carros, como jipes, sedans, costas portal, luxo, comerciais. temos uma grande variedade de Hyundai, Kia, Toyota, Nissan, BMW, Mercedes, Land / Range Rover, Renault, cheverlote. lidamos bem em tipos de motos de offroad para motos de competiรงรฃo. nรณs somos um dos maiores revendedores de carros em mercado angolano. os melhores preรงos que vocรช sรณ poderia encontrar aqui em sk. favorรกvel ao meio ambiente do cliente, com lotes de benefรญcios, do departamento de pagamento para a documentaรงรฃo. todos os nossos funcionรกrios sรฃo bem spokem im portugess e Inglรชs. aceitamos os mรฉtodos de pagamento que o
Posted about 4 years ago
2009 Toyota HiAce
Import - Dubai
GEL 21,471
N/A (Petrol)
LOT-583 In this time of Covid-19 crisis, SK Motors is committed to provide you complete services. You can now place your order online, and we will ship your car to your destination anywhere in the world. How you place online order: 1. Select the car, and send us your query. 2. We will send you detailed pictures, videos of the car, and show you the car on online video call conference. 3. Once we agree on a certain price, we will send you a proforma invoice for the banking transaction. 4. After you pay the car price, we arrange your shipment, and load your car towards your destination. 5. Post loading your car, we send you the BL copy confirmation. 6. Once you receive your car, you confirm us, and we are done with the process. We are taking these steps to ensure that our clients do not have to Travel. And please note, SK Motors is one of the leading car exporters in UAE, and we put a high emphasize on our customer satisfaction. We are always here, to help you, and guide you towards the
Posted about 4 years ago
Your ad could be posted hereSELL
2014 Toyota HiAce
Import - Dubai
GEL 39,577
N/A (Petrol)
GCC TOYOTA RAV4 - 2014 - EXCELLENT CONDITION - BANK FINANCE AVAILABLE 161,000 KM _________________________________________ OPTIONS * AIR CONDIITONING * POWER LOCK * POWER WINDOW * AM/ FM RADIO AND MANY ___________________________________________________ EASY BANK FINANCING AVAILABLE FROM PREFERRED BANKING PARTNERS _____________________________________ CASH PURCHASE --------------------------- DOCUMENTS REQUIRED * EMIRATES ID * DRIVING LICENSE BANK FINANCE ------------------------ Employed: * Salary Certificate * 3 month bank statement with original stamp * Passport & Visa copies * Emirates ID copy โ Self Employed: * Trade License * Memorandum of Article * Passport copies of all partners * Passport and visa copies of applicant * Emirates ID * 3 month personal bank statement * 3 month company bank statement โ Companies: * Trade License * Memorandum of Article * Passport copies of all partners * 3 month company statement _____________________________________ VISIT OUR WEBSIT
Posted about 4 years ago
1990 Toyota Dyna
Import - Dubai
N/A (Petrol)
CODE-536 In this time of Covid-19 crisis, SK Motors is committed to provide you complete services. You can now place your order online, and we will ship your car to your destination anywhere in the world. How you place online order: 1. Select the car, and send us your query. 2. We will send you detailed pictures, videos of the car, and show you the car on online video call conference. 3. Once we agree on a certain price, we will send you a proforma invoice for the banking transaction. 4. After you pay the car price, we arrange your shipment, and load your car towards your destination. 5. Post loading your car, we send you the BL copy confirmation. 6. Once you receive your car, you confirm us, and we are done with the process. We are taking these steps to ensure that our clients do not have to Travel. And please note, SK Motors is one of the leading car exporters in UAE, and we put a high emphasize on our customer satisfaction. We are always here, to help you, and guide you towards the
Posted about 4 years ago
Vehicle prices in Georgia with Mankana.
Buy new or used cars, motorbikes and trucks in Georgia from GEL 450, that you can negotiate locally with the seller. We offer the most popular brands of cars for sale in Georgia. Get your next car at the best available price with Mankana from verified dealers, professional car dealers and independent local sellers.
Buy new or used cars, motorbikes and trucks in Georgia from GEL 450, that you can negotiate locally with the seller. We offer the most popular brands of cars for sale in Georgia. Get your next car at the best available price with Mankana from verified dealers, professional car dealers and independent local sellers.